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Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Claudia Cornejo on Thursday stressed that national exports totaled US$15.231 billion in the first four months of the current year —an amount 29.5% higher compared to the similar period in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in Peru. 

Likewise, the high-ranking official pointed out that the result of the first four months is 4% higher over the one registered in the same period of 2019 (pre-pandemic year).

Commenting on the Monthly Trade Report-April 2021, the Mincetur head explained that said result was the outcome of higher sales of non-traditional (+33.1%) and traditional (+28%) products thanks to the improvement of international prices, as well as the economic reactivation at national and international levels. 

Furthermore, it is important to mention that last April exports expanded 99.8%, with sales worth US$3.725 billion. 

It must be noted that foreign trade of Peruvian goods (exports and imports) reached US$29.620 billion between January and April, which denoted an expansion of 28.8% over the same period of 2020. 

Sector's performance

 In April, as well as in the January-April period, all export subsectors registered positive growth rates compared to the same month and period of 2020. 

Fishing was the sector increasing its shipments the most in April and the first four months of the year (247.8% and 116.5%, respectively) due to greater availability of raw materials. 

Therefore, traditional exports (flour and oil) rose by 394.9% and 182.4% in the indicated periods. 

Non-traditional products also grew, such as squid (273.7% and 96.4%), scallops (212.4% and 95.6%), frozen fish (119.9% and 52.6%), and shrimp (72.3% and 10.5%). 

For their part, agro-exports increased shipments by 47% in April and 19% in the first four months of the year, highlighting greater fruit sales.

 It is important to note that —in said period— fruit shipments grew 25% thanks to higher volumes and export prices of products such as grapes, blueberries, and avocados. 

On the other hand, textile/clothing exports amounted to US$107 million in April 2021, expanding 713% compared to April 2020, since exports —in said month— were affected by the sanitary measures imposed to prevent further COVID-19 contagion. 

This way, textile/clothing exports accumulated —between January and April— US$460 million (53.5% growth) and registered the fifth consecutive month of growth. 

Bilateral trade 

Between January and April 2021, Peru-China trade grew 59% thanks to higher exports (62%), mainly of fishery (flour, oil, and squid) and mining (iron, silver, and copper) products. 

Overall, trade between Peru and Asia grew (45%) including countries: Saudi Arabia (149%), India (79%), Vietnam (72%), Hong Kong (41%), Thailand (36%), Malaysia (34 %), Israel (24%), Indonesia (23%), and Japan (19%).

Likewise, trade with Europe increased 23%, mainly due to greater trade with Switzerland (29%) and the European Union (18%). To the latter, exports grew 20%, whereas imports rose by 16%. 

Also, trade with the United States grew 13% mainly due to greater exports (20%). In South America, Peru increased trade with Venezuela (137%), the Andean Community (34%), Mercosur (17%), highlighting the largest trade flows with Ecuador (45%), Bolivia (44%), Brazil (32%), and Colombia (22%). In general, trade with the Americas rose by 18%.