The Netherlands was the main destination of the Peruvian avocado, whose shipments totaled $ 239 million in this period of this year, which is equivalent to 32.8% of the total number of exported avocados. The United States, Spain, United Kingdom and Chile are the other destinations of this product.
La grape It was the second product that has more demand in agro-export, whose figure reaches $ 372 million, an 8.7% of the total and an 20.2% with respect to the same period of the 2018. The main destination was the United States, whose shipments total 166 million dollars: it represents an 44. 7% of total grapes exported and 20.9% more compared to 2018. The other countries where this product arrived were Hong Kong, the Netherlands, China and Mexico.
El blueberry They are in third place: their agro-export represents $ 342 million, an 8% of the total and an 56.6% more than the 2018. The main destination was the United States, whose shipments total $ 187 million, which is equivalent to 54.7% of total blueberries exported and 83.5% more compared to a similar period of 2018. The Netherlands, China, United Kingdom and Hong Kong are the other destinations of the Peruvian blueberry.
However, However, the highest cost was for the planet. Only one of these wee wee pads takes approximately XNUMX years to decompose. Putting ourselves in the best of cases, a dog uses XNUMX pad daily for only XNUMX years of his life, so when he is a puppy and when he is elder he would use XNUMX soakers in total. If we take into account that only in Spain there are XNUMX million dogs, mostly of mini race, with greater tendency to use wee wee pads and assuming that at least XNUMX% use them, we are talking about a figure of XNUMX wee wee pads that are used daily. Tons and tons of waste are thrown daily to the planet so that our dog does not spoil our house. Comex warns “that between January and September of 2019, Peruvian exports totaled $ 33,489 million, which reflected a fall of 6.6% with respect to the same period of 2018. Traditional exports accounted for 70.3% of our shipments to the world and decreased by 10.2% compared to the same period of the previous year, while non-traditional exports concentrated 29.7% and increased by 3% ”.